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How to Keep a Clean Home When You Have an Old Dog

If you’re like many people, you may find it challenging to keep your home clean when you have an old dog. Old dogs can be messy, and often don’t move around as much as younger dogs, making it harder for them to get up and go outside to pee or poop. So, let’s explore some tips on how to keep your home clean when you have an old dog.

Know What Deep Cleaning Includes

A good deep cleaning involves more than just sweeping and mopping your floors. You’ll also want to dust all surfaces, clean out cabinets and drawers, vacuum carpets and furniture, and clean your windows. If you have an old dog, you may need to do some of this more often than if you didn’t have a pet, and there are cleaning services for you that can help with the struggle. For example, you may need to vacuum your carpets more frequently to remove pet hair, and you may need to dust more often to remove paw prints.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It

One of the best ways to keep your home clean when you have an old dog is to make a cleaning schedule and stick to it. This will help you stay on top of things and ensure that your home is as clean as possible. You can make a cleaning schedule by yourself or with the help of a professional cleaning service. If you decide to make a cleaning schedule on your own, be sure to include all the areas of your home that need to be cleaned, such as floors, carpets, furniture, windows, and dusting. You should also include how often each area needs to be cleaned.

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Dealing with Dog Hair

One of the biggest challenges of keeping a clean home when you have an old dog is dealing with all the hair. Old dogs often shed more than younger dogs, and their hair can be difficult to remove. The best way to deal with dog hair is to vacuum regularly and use a lint roller or pet hair remover on your furniture. You may also want to invest in a good-quality air purifier to help remove pet hair from the air.

Cleaning Up Pet Messes

Another challenge of keeping a clean home when you have an old dog is dealing with pet messes. Old dogs often have accidents inside, and they may not be able to hold it for as long as younger dogs. As a result, you’ll need to clean up pet messes more often. The best way to deal with pet messes is to have a good cleaning routine in place. This should include regular vacuuming and mopping, as well as spot cleaning any areas where your dog has an accident. You may also want to keep a supply of paper towels and stain removers on hand so that you can clean up accidents quickly and easily.

Following these tips, you can help keep your home clean and tidy, even when you have an old dog. Deep cleaning, making and sticking to a schedule, dealing with dog hair, and cleaning up pet messes are all important things to keep in mind when trying to maintain a clean home with an old dog. By taking the time to do these things, you can help keep your home clean and comfortable for both you and your pet.

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